Victorian Energy Upgrade.

We have built a unique solution and service offering from company spectrum. Victoria with an ambition to be an active contributor in assisting our country to reduce carbon footprint by 65% until 2030 through energy upgrades.


About P2B

All our P2B people are united by a clear purpose. To lead and accelerate the clean energy transformation for all. We keep the lights on for customers today, through our energy generation facilities powered by coal, gas and renewables, combined with large-scale storage. And we’re leading the delivery of the clean energy system of the future, with projects that will provide flexible generation and enable the growth of renewables. We’re making the transition simple for our 1.6 million customers. For example, by offering them the best of home solar and batteries combined with the grid, with solutions like Solar Home Bundle.

We are committed to reaching net zero emissions by 2050. As part of this we’ll transition out of coal by 2040, in a way that doesn’t leave communities or our people behind. It’s all part of leading and accelerating the clean energy transformation with reliable and affordable energy for all.

  • Home Energy Monitor
  • Hot Water Systems
  • Air-Cons
  • Fan & Door Seals

Our Services

What We Do

Gas to Heat Pump

Free Shower Heads

Free Commercial Heat Pumps

Free Home Energy Monitor

Free Door Seals

Free fan seal

Free vent covers

Free chimney seal

Free pre-rinse spray value

Pool Heat Pump

Free Lighting

Air -conditioning

Have Questions? Call Us +0404 222 441




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